Wednesday 1 March 2017

Our blog stats have gone over the 1300 mark!

I have been blogging for probably ten years now and started with the original AOL journals in 2006 which had fantastic features for uploading photos and creating photo albums. I have always been an avid blogger and facebook fan, as since moving over to Scotland I have literally taken thousands of photos which is also one of my passions.

Having come from a Sales & Marketing background - both of which are extremely interesting fields to work in - I have always been fascinated by where my clients or readers originate from as this will tell you which of your ads are working and which ones are not.

I personally must admit that I prefer the blogger format, but these days wordpress seems to be the most popular programme for getting views online, and am teaching myself how this works so that I can build my brand new website. I have tried this before and it isn't easy I can tell you and I am sure that there are teenagers out there who can code much better than I will ever be able to. But I am determined to do it and it will allow me to launch my website as soon as possible, instead of trying to save up the money to pay someone else to do it.

You know how people show counters on their blogs and pages, and if you have ever employed anyone to do your marketing for you in the past - they will always be quoting the number of 'hits' that you have had - or 'impressions' from people who have seen your Google, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram advertisements online. 

Well this is a perfect example to show you - these are my stats for the blog page. At first I was excited at the number of 'hits' that I have had, but upon closer inspection - a very high proportion of my views are from overseas - approximately half in fact.

Thank you very much for following our blog!